


온라인문의 TOP


    Consulting Inquiry

    • Procedure
    • Consulting Inquiry
    • Discussion of Contract Terms
    • Contract Signing
    • Consulting Execution
    Consent to Use of Personal Information

    Article 1 (Consent to the Collection of Personal Information)

    Hansoo Labor Law Firm (hereinafter referred to as ""the Company"") has procedures in place that allow users to click the “Agree” button or the “Cancel” button regarding the contents of the Company's Privacy Policy or Terms of Service. Clicking the “Agree” button is considered as consent to the collection of personal information.

    Article 2 (Items of Personal Information Collected) The items of personal information processed for consultation through online inquiries are as follows:
    Collected items: Name, email, phone number Article 3 (Purpose of Using Personal Information)

    The Company does not disclose users' personal information without their prior consent and collects personal information for smooth customer consultation and the provision of various services as follows. All information is not used for purposes other than those necessary for the above purposes, and if the scope of collected information, purpose of use, or usage changes, prior consent will be obtained.


    - Name: To verify identity for service consultation
    - Email, phone number: To notify the user of consultation results and process results (using email, etc.)

    Users can refuse to consent to the collection/use of personal information. However, if consent is refused, consultation through online inquiries will not be possible, and there may be restrictions on the use of services and benefits.

    Article 4 (Retention and Use Period of Personal Information)In principle, after the purpose of collecting and using personal information is achieved, the relevant information is destroyed without delay. However, if it is necessary to retain information in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws such as the Commercial Act and the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., the Company will retain the information for a certain period as prescribed by the relevant laws. In this case, the Company uses the retained information only for the purpose of retention, and the retention period is as follows:


    - Records related to contracts or withdrawal of offers: 5 years (Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.)
    - Records related to consumer complaints or dispute resolution: 3 years (Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.)
    - Records related to the collection/processing and use of credit information: 3 years (Act on the Use and Protection of Credit Information)
    - The Company safely processes the valuable personal information of users and destroys personal information using the following methods to prevent leakage:
    - Personal information printed on paper is destroyed by shredding or incineration.
    - Personal information stored in electronic file format is deleted using technical methods that prevent the recovery of records.

    Draft Consultation Details
    Institution Name
    Email @
    Contact Number - -
    Inquiry Details