


온라인문의 TOP


    Ethical Management Examination and System Establishment Consulting

    What is Ethical Management Examination Consulting?

    This consulting service diagnoses the current level of ethical management in the company through interviews with employees, corporate status investigations, and organizational culture analysis, and proposes specific improvement measures for the implementation of ethical management in the future.

    Steps for Ethical Management Examination Consulting

    • STEP 01
      Data Collection and Analysis

      Collect and analyze ethical management data (management philosophy, CSR, related guidelines, etc.)

    • STEP 02
      Examination of Ethical Management Awareness Levels among Employees

      Diagnose awareness levels through surveys and interviews with employees (including stakeholders)

    • STEP 03
      Deriving Improvement Measures through Analysis of Diagnostic Results

      Identify insights for each diagnostic area and propose specific improvement measures

    • STEP 04

      Support for the creation and revision of regulations, employee behavior guidelines, manuals, etc.

    What is Ethical Management System Establishment Consulting?

    This consulting service designs an ethical management system tailored to the characteristics of the company to help companies in the initial stages of adopting ethical management. It supports the establishment of the ethical management system.

    Steps for Ethical Management System Establishment Consulting

    • STEP 01
      Identify Company Requirements

      - Understand company requirements related to ethical management and derive the direction

    • STEP 02

      -Diagnose the current status of the organization, including ethical management and compliance systems

    • STEP 03
      Design the Ethical Management System

      -Design the vision, goals, and strategies for the implementation -Design the structure and roles of the implementation organization -Design detailed implementation plans for each strategy

    • STEP 04
      Establish the Execution System

      -Support the creation of regulations, employee behavior guidelines, manuals, etc. -Support the operation of ethical management programs -Provide training for ethical management officers

    Guide to Consulting Request Methods
    Consulting Inquiries

    If your company wishes to request consulting services, please submit an inquiry,
    and a representative will contact you.